Airpura Industries Air Cleaner T600 User Manual

Tobacco Smoke  
R e m o v e th e 4 0 0 0  
C h e m ic a ls , T a rs a n d G a s e s fo u n d  
in T o b a c c o S m o k e  
The Airpura T600  
Specially designed to deal with tobacco smoke,  
the T600 features a special TarBarrier pre-filter  
combined with a deep carbon bed to adsorb the  
4000 chemicals and gases found in tobacco smoke.  
Tobacco smoke  
Contains over 4000 harmful chemicals and gases  
including benzene, toulene, formaldehyde  
The 26lbs Carbon Bed  
and at least 60 carcinogens.  
adsorbs these chemicals.  
Emitted from smoking cigars and cigarettes,  
it contributes to the transmission of the harmful  
effects of tobacco smoke. The TarBarrier filter  
traps these tars in the same way as a cigarette filter  
and removes them from the air stream.  
ETS (environmental tobacco smoke)  
The Airpura T600  
Recognized as a serious health hazard for non-smokers  
as well as smokers, the T600 will reduce it's harmful effects.  
Available in  
White / Black / Cream  
The Airpura Limited Warranty  
Effective for up to 2000 square feet  
5 years parts 10 years labor  
Recycles the air every 30 minutes.  
Filter Life  
Carbon filters should be changed  
An excellent choice for:  
at least every 3 months in public areas  
Dedicated smoking areas  
Public spaces  
Waiting rooms  
TarBarriers need to be changed at  
least every 4 weeks in public areas  
HEPA Barrier filters should be  
changed at the same time as the carbon  
filter. For private home use change  
intervals will usually be less frequent  
Suspension brackets available  
To position the unit high on a wall or column.  
Clean your air and reduce the dangers of tobacco smoke  

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